Littoral Press Subscription Series


What is it?
I started this series in 2002 as a way to offer low-priced, collectible book art. The series consists of letterpress-printed book arts items, ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime. Prior offerings have included original poetry and a quote from “Macbeth” printed on möebius loops, jewelry made from pages of my book A Flame in the Heart, a flipbook, poetry broadsides, a small book of imaginary cocktails, a passage from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland printed onto jigsaw puzzles, erasers printed with words referencing extinction, et cetera. “More than a postcard, less than a (full-fledged) book” is a good way to think of it; although a couple of full-fledged books have in fact snuck in.

When is it?
Three times a year, at random moments, when you least expect it.

Where is it?
Each piece is delivered to your very own mailbox.

How much does it cost?
$65.00 for a year of surprises. That includes postage.

Are gift certificates available?

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